Real Medicine
CBD Cannabidiol

CBD Cannabidiol

CDB is a non-psychotropic compound, numerous of studies even suggest that CDB acts to counter the intoxicating effects of THC, including memory impairments and paranoia, it can also be used as antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant.

Scientific studies have shown beneficial effects of CBD in treating:
• Anxiety and depression.
• Seizure activity.
• Inflammation.
• Psychosis disorders.
• Cancer.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Neurodegenerative disorders.
• CBD drops can be used as all natural perfect food supplement for everyday use, they will balance your body and mind.

For coca tea:
Have you ever heard of Coca tea? For centuries, this tea has been used by the indigenous people who live in the Andes mountain range in South America. This tea is known to have quite a few benefits as it contains compounds such as inulin, phytonutrients, and alkaloids. Coca leaves also contain Vitamins A, C, E as well as B2 and B6.
• Increases physical resistanceof the immune system.
• Improves mental wellbeing and reduces stress.
• Improves digestive system.
• Regulates blood pressure.
• Regulates glucose.
• Helps clean liver form toxins.
• Regulates tryglyceride and cholesterol.
• Icreases the capacity of cellular oxygenation,improving physical and intellectual performance.
• Helps overcome altitude sickness.
• Helps weight loss.

It's so great to hear that the cultural rights of coca farmers are being preserved so they don't have to resort to black market influence. The western law is rarley in favour of cultural rights of any indigenous people To see a beautiful heritage be so disrespected is heartbreaking.
Thankfully the world is gradually learning to respect one another for the sake of the earth.

I hope to experience this sacrement some day, in solidarity with the deep rooted connection to the earth all our ancestors, all over the world, worked so hard to achive and preserve throughout all cultures.

You can find more information about CBD - click here.

Relieves Anxiety & Stress
One of the most popular and well-known uses of cannabis essential oil is to get relief from stress and anxiety. The natural compounds found in this oil, including the famed THC, which is what gives cannabis the distinction of a drug in many countries, are very good for releasing pleasure hormones and relaxing the mind, reducing stress, and inducing a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Promotes Good Sleep
For people who suffer from insomnia, constant anxiety during the night or simply struggle to get a sound, restful night of undisturbed sleep, cannabis essential oil works like a charm. By relaxing the body and mind, and inducing a lower energy level, it will be easier to get your heart rate down and clear your head before a long night of peaceful slumber.

Boosts Appetite
It is well known that people who consume cannabis in other forms notice increased appetite, famously called “the munchies”. However, cannabis essential oil can help regulate your appetite and induce hunger, while also stimulating your digestive system to operate at a regular level. This can help people who want to gain weight quickly, particularly after an extended illness or injury.

Relieves Pain
Cannabis essential oil works as a great pain reliever and is regularly suggested for people with inflammation and chronic pain. It can even provide emergency pain relief. There is a very good reason why people who suffer from cancer often turn to cannabis-related options, including cannabis essential oil, when the pain of chemotherapy or the disease itself becomes unbearable.

Prevents Cancer
Although there is still some controversy over this, and with a great deal of research still ongoing, early reports have shown that the active ingredients in cannabis essential oil can have preventive effects on cancer, and can also cause reduction in tumor size, thereby making it easier to effectively beat cancer for patients already suffering from this tragic disease.

Improves Heart Health
The volatility in cannabis essential oil can also help improve heart health by balancing out the negative oils in your system. It can stimulate antioxidant processes as well by scraping off excess cholesterol and maximizing the health of your cardiovascular system.

Skin Care
The powerful components of cannabis essential oil are used to protect the skin, and can be consumed both internally and applied externally to achieve this important effect. It can stimulate the shedding of dead skin and faster re-growth of healthy, glowing skin. It is also known for preventing wrinkles, signs of aging, and protecting against eczema and psoriasis.

Reduces Glaucoma
In terms of eye health, cannabis and cannabis essential oil have been linked to a reduction in glaucoma and a prevention of macular degeneration. Eye health is one of the major reasons why people turn to cannabis essential oil as they age.

Eliminates Headaches
Topically applying some cannabis essential oil at the temples or the spot of intensity for a migraine or a headache can be an effective way to get relief. Many people turn to prescriptions for cannabis and cannabis essential oil due to its potent defense against crippling headaches and pain.

CBD Cannabidiol