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Kratom Mitragyna Speciosa

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Kratom Mitragyna Speciosa

Benefits of Kratom Leaves 
Kratom leaves have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes. The interesting health benefits of kratom leaves include their ability to relieve pain, boost metabolism, increase sexual energy, improve the immune system, and prevent diabetes. They ease anxiety, help with addiction, eliminate stress, and induce healthy sleep.

100 Kratom Facts

Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves 
Pain Reliever 
Kratom leaves are rich in analgesic properties and can quickly relieve pain throughout the body by impacting the hormonal system. The amount of serotonin and dopamine released into the body increases when the leaves are chewed. This further alleviates the pain. Essentially, the alkaloids dull the pain receptors throughout the body. This morphine or opium-like quality of kratom leaves is widely regarded as its most important application.

Immune System Booster 
Independent studies on the various alkaloids found in kratom leaves have shown that the combinative effects can have major effects on the strength and resilience of the immune system. Kratom leaf extracts, which were traditionally used as herbs, are endowed with free radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity and are a natural source of antioxidants.

Energy Booster 
The metabolic effects that kratom has are one of the other reasons that the leaves are so popular, particularly with laborers in various countries. It can increase your energy levels by optimizing certain metabolic processes and impacting hormone levels. This is a result of increased circulation, despite its soothing nature, and a general increase in oxygenated blood to areas of the body that needs it, combining with increased metabolic activities to provide a burst of energy. For sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, kratom leaves are often an alternative, natural solution.

Sexual Stimulant 
Kratom is seen by many traditional practitioners and users as an aphrodisiac and a fertility booster, as the extra energy and blood flow can help increase fertility, re-energize a tired libido, and improve duration/conception rates.

Reduced Anxiety 
Kratom leaves are widely used as anxiolytic substances for people who suffer from chronic stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. By regulating the hormones in our body, people can finally get relief from these exhausting symptoms of chemical imbalance without having to rely on pharmaceuticals and all of the implicit side effects of those drugs.

Addiction Recovery 
Due to the inherently healthy nature of kratom leaves, in combination with their range of effects, they have been used as a method of curing addiction for hundreds of years. In many cultures, opium addiction is a major issue, but regularly chewing on kratom leaves provides a similar sensation without the comedowns and negative side effects. Therefore, when people are attempting to “get clean” and stay that way, they often turn to kratom leaves as a tolerable solution, thereby making these leaves very valuable in many parts of the world. This also helps to cover withdrawal symptoms during the transition away from that more intense drug.

Diabetes Treatment 
One of the lesser known benefits of kratom leaves is their effect on blood sugar levels. Limited research has shown that the alkaloids found in the leaves are able to help regulate the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood, effectively preventing the dangerous peaks and troughs that diabetics face. This can not only help diabetics manage their disorder, but also prevent it from developing in the first place.

Super green 
This premier strain straight from Indonesia. Deep in a newly discovered region are 25+ old Kratom trees with massive green horned kratom leaves. Strongest kratom I ever tested, you can blander with every strain.

Green Maengda
It is the strong kratom strain (like super green) maeng Da is less euphoric than other strains, but it's praised for its energizing effects. Critics say it's more jittery than other Premium Super green strains, and argue it doesn't last as long. High quality Maeng Da is very green in color same as super green.

Red borneo
The effects of red Borneo kratom are noted to be extremely pleasurable. It falls into the red vein types which all have similar effects due to the ranging alkaloids. Overall it is not a stimulating strain so one looking for a stimulating experience should not choose red Borneo or any of the red vein strains for that matter.

White borneo
Plant leaves with a white vein down the middle are typically described as being more energizing and contributing to a positive mood. They may be used as stimulants in the place of caffeine to promote alertness, mental vigilance and wakefulness. Users who take White Vein Kratom powders or capsules often state that they experience increased concentration as well as motivation and endurance when working for long hours. It may counteract feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, without causing anxiety or restlessness.

Green borneo
Is most appropriately described as somewhere in the middle of the Red and White strains. It is a mild energy booster that can perk you up without putting you on edge. Users say that it helps them to achieve a centered state of alertness and focus and has a subtler effect than either Red or White Kratom. It is documented as useful in treating pain, but without leading to the lethargy or drowsiness that other analgesics can cause.

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