KRATOM (Mitragyna Speciosa)

- 60g - Powder

Product ID: KRATOM (Mitragyna Speciosa) - 60g - Powder

The effects of red Borneo kratom are noted to be extremely pleasurable. It falls into the red vein types which all have similar effects due to the ranging alkaloids. Overall it is not a stimulating strain so one looking for a stimulating experience should not choose red Borneo or any of the red vein strains for that matter.


KRATOM (Mitragyna Speciosa)

- Red strain

The effects of red Borneo kratom are noted to be extremely pleasurable. It falls into the red vein types which all have similar effects due to the ranging alkaloids. Overall it is not a stimulating strain so one looking for a stimulating experience should not choose red Borneo or any of the red vein strains for that matter.

- White strain

Plant leaves with a white vein down the middle are typically described as being more energizing and contributing to a positive mood. They may be used as stimulants in the place of caffeine to promote alertness, mental vigilance and wakefulness. Users who take White Vein Kratom powder often state that they experience increased concentration as well as motivation and endurance when working for long hours. It may counteract feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, without causing anxiety or restlessness.

- Green strain

Is most appropriately described as somewhere in the middle of the Red and White strains. It is a mild energy booster that can perk you up without putting you on edge. Users say that it helps them to achieve a centered state of alertness and focus and has a subtler effect than either Red or White Kratom. It is documented as useful in treating pain, but without leading to the lethargy or drowsiness that other analgesics can cause.

Maeng Da and Super green (Green Vein) also available.
Please contact us for more information and paypal payment details.
Prices: 25.00 for 60g (apr 10 servings)